I'm offering you battle-tested Half Guard system that outlines how sweep you opponent’s...even if you’re not a Guard player. . . and even if they’re bigger than you.
The series is currently on sale at $47.00.
You’ll also learn my 1-2-3 combo that will teach you to become more efficient off of your back. To sweep your opponent without wasting tons of energy.
What’s more important about this series is that it doesn’t require super long legs or crazy flexible hips to be effective.
It’s also not super complicated or fancy. (In my experience, simple is better.)
And on top of all of that I will also be making more addition to the series in the future as I develop new techniques and weapons. This is inevitable as we are all growing. So as I grow, you’re going to grow with me.
There is no "catch" to this offer. As soon as you make your purchase. You instantly get access to the series.
In fact, if you don't like the series let me know within 30 days and I'll even give you back your money.
Click below to get started! You won't regret it.